The Breakfast Club | Wed 13 Mar The Breakfast Club | Wed 13 Mar The Breakfast Club | Wed 13 Mar

The Breakfast Club | Wed 13 Mar


Don’t youuu… forget about me. Not a chance. John Hughes’s ode to self-discovery via detention will always have a place on our screens and in our hearts. A “brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess and a criminal” are sent to do time with the assistant principal on a Saturday but end up realising they’re trapped by more than the library’s four walls. Emilio Estevez’s character was such a perfect embodiment of the tortured jock that the actor went on to successfully coach the Mighty Ducks to victory after graduation.

Director: John Hughes
Stars: Molly Ringwald, Emilio Estevez, Judd Nelson
Rating: M
Genre: Comedy, Drama